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Belong Experiences Summer is a residential (or day) 10+ day camp that combines football, American culture, and an introduction to U.S. boarding school life for middle school-aged Chinese citizens. The goal of the summer camp is to cultivate a steady and long-term appreciation for and interest in American football throughout the youth of China. In addition, two days will be spent exploring local independent schools and universities. Simply, the Summer Experience is a perfect mix of athletics and American culture with a hope to continue interest in American football and independent schools.
夏季体验是以美式橄榄球为主题,对青少年进行为期10天以上的住宿式 (或走训式) 训练营。学员们通过夏季体验培养对美式橄榄球的长期热爱以及美式橄榄球对中国青少年的普及。训练营期间,学员会有2天时间参观常青藤大学和当地知名学府。夏季体验会让学员们体验到美式橄榄球的乐趣和美国私立学府的文化。
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